Treatments We Provide

Hip Replacement Surgery

Hip replacement surgery is a procedure aimed at replacing a damaged or diseased hip joint with an artificial one. This artificial joint, composed of metal or ceramic and plastic, mimics the natural joint’s movement and function.


Reasons for Hip Replacement Surgery:
• Osteoarthritis: Common cause where hip joint cartilage deteriorates, resulting in pain, stiffness, and mobility issues.
• Rheumatoid Arthritis: Autoimmune condition damaging joints, including the hip.
• Avascular Necrosis: Blood supply interruption causing bone death, necessitating hip replacement.
• Trauma: Hip bone fracture or dislocation requiring surgical intervention.


Surgical Procedure:
Hip replacement surgery is performed under general or spinal anaesthesia.
Steps include making an incision in the hip area, removing the damaged joint, inserting the artificial joint, and closing the incision.
Typically, the surgery takes around 2 hours to complete.


We use one of the most clinical successful implants with one of the best long term results



Recovery Period:
Recovery time varies, with most patients staying in the hospital for 2 -3 days post-surgery.
Crutches or a walker may be required for weeks, and complete recovery can take up to 6 months.


Benefits of Hip Replacement Surgery:
This surgery offers substantial pain relief and improved mobility. Most individuals regain the ability to resume everyday activities like walking, driving, and exercising.


Alternatives to Surgery:
Physical Therapy: Aids in pain reduction and enhanced mobility.
Pain Medication: Helps manage discomfort.
Joint Injections: Reduces pain and inflammation.


Decision-Making Process:
Deciding on hip replacement surgery is a personal choice. Consult our doctor to thoroughly discuss the surgery’s pros and cons, allowing you to make an informed decision tailored to your needs and circumstances.

Knee Replacement Surgery

Knee Replacement 


  • This operation resurfaces the knee joint by removing damaged bone and cartilage in the knee joint (arthritis).
  • These surfaces are replaced with metal and plastic implants, allowing knee motion and function, relieving pain, and correcting any deformity.
  • Knee replacement surgery (arthroplasty) has a high rate of success in relieving pain and restoring mobility.
  • Today 95 out of every 100 knee replacements are successful and even at 10 to 15 years after the operation, will still be giving good service. Some knee replacements have lasted 25+ years.

It is indicated for severe chronic pain in the knee that limits everyday activities such as walking, going up and down stairs, getting out of a chair, as well as pain at rest, especially at night. 



  • Knee replacement can be done under a general, or a spinal anaesthetic that numbs the lower body and legs. 
  • Ask the anaesthetist for sedation if you do not wish to stay awake during the procedure. 


  • Most patients are admitted the day of surgery. 
  • Your surgeon will make an incision down the front of your knee.
  • The blood vessels, muscles and nerves will be protected during surgery and special tools will be used to reshape the surface of the bone.
  • In most cases bone cement is used to fix the new joint in place 
We use one of the most clinical successful implants with one of the best long term results 
  • An exercise programme is an important part of recovery. This starts with gentle exercises in your hospital bed. 
  • Patients are normally encouraged to get out of bed with the help of physiotherapy as soon as possible, usually on the day of surgery. 
  • Further physiotherapy and exercises at home may be prescribed. In the early stages you will need crutches or a walking frame.
  • During the first few weeks stretching and strengthening the muscles remain goals of treatment. As strength and motion improves, you may be incouraged on other activities such as distance walking, cycling, and swimming.
  • Your external stitches or clips are usually removed at the follow up clinic 14 days.
  • You may need to take 6-12 weeks off work depending on your job.


Knee Arthroscopy

What is knee arthroscopy?
  • Knee arthroscopy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that to view the inside of the knee joint without making a large incision.
  • This is done by inserting a small, thin tube with a camera on the end (called an arthroscope) into the knee joint through a small incision. The camera sends images to a video monitor, which allows the surgeon to see inside the joint
Why is knee arthroscopy done?

Knee arthroscopy can be used to diagnose and treat a variety of knee problems, including:

– Meniscal tears
– Cartilage damage
– Loose bodies in the joint

How is knee arthroscopy done?

  • Knee arthroscopy is usually performed under general anesthesia, although spinal anesthesia may be used in some cases. 
  • The surgeon will make 2 or 3 small incisions in the knee. The arthroscope is inserted through one incision, and other surgical instruments are inserted through the other incisions. 
  • The surgeon will then use the arthroscope to view the inside of the joint and perform any necessary procedures.

Recovery from knee arthroscopy

The recovery time from knee arthroscopy varies depending on the procedure that was performed. Most patients are able to return to their normal activities within 2 to 4 weeks. However, it may take longer to return to high-impact activities, such as running or playing sports.

Non-Surgical / Injection Therapy

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy is a minimally invasive procedure that uses your own blood to help your body heal. Platelets are blood cells that contain growth factors, which are proteins that help to repair damaged tissue. 

PRP therapy involves concentrating the platelets in your blood and injecting them into the injured area. This helps to accelerate the healing process and reduce pain.


How does PRP therapy work?

Platelets contain growth factors, which are proteins that help to repair damaged tissue. PRP therapy involves concentrating the platelets in your blood and injecting them into the injured area. This helps to increase the number of growth factors in the area, which can speed up the healing process.


What are the benefits of PRP therapy?
PRP therapy has been shown to be effective in treating a variety of conditions, including:Joint osteoarthritisTendon and ligament injuries


How is PRP therapy performed?
PRP therapy is a minimally invasive procedure which takes about 30 minutes.The first step is to draw a sample of your blood. The blood is then spun in a centrifuge to separate the platelets from the rest of the blood. The platelets are then concentrated and injected into the injured area.


What are the risks of PRP therapy?
The risks of PRP therapy are very low. The most common side effect is some pain and swelling at the injection site. Other possible side effects include bruising and infection.


Is PRP therapy right for me?
If you are considering PRP therapy, talk to us . Our consultant will see if it is right for you. We will discuss your medical history and your condition to determine if PRP therapy is a good option for you.


Hyaluronic Injections is a pain-relieving injection that is designed to alleviate the symptoms of osteoarthritis. It is effective in joints classified as “synovial,” such as the knees, hips, ankles, hands (fingers and thumbs), and shoulders. The injection targets pain, stiffness, and other discomfort caused by osteoarthritis.


How does Hyaluronic Injections Works
Hyaluronic is injected directly into the joint’s synovial
fluid space, where it restores the balance between the
breakdown and production of hyaluronic acid.

Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance that is found in
synovial fluid and helps to lubricate and cushion the joints. When the body does not produce enough hyaluronic acid, the joints can become stiff and painful.

Hyaluronic Injections help to replenish the body’s supply of hyaluronic acid, which can help to relieve pain and improve joint function.



Benefits of Hyaluronic Injections:

  • Decreases pain and stiffness caused by osteoarthritis.
  • Absorbs and stores moisture.
  • Improves joint lubrication, cushioning, and shock absorption.
  • Restores normal joint function and balance.
  • Well tolerated and effective, with thousands of patients worldwide benefiting from it.

The Procedure
The injection is administered by our doctor directly into the joint’s synovial fluid space. Immediate benefits may not be noticeable after the first injection, but over the next few weeks, you should experience gradual reduction in pain and stiffness.


Long-Lasting Results
Hyaluronic Injections can offer lasting relief, with improvements in symptoms lasting for several months. The injection restores the joint’s ability to produce its own hyaluronic acid, promoting a stable condition that persists beyond the initial injection.

For effective relief from osteoarthritis symptoms call us to book your appointment today.

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